Design, Installation, & Service of Geothermal Energy Systems
Serving Eastern Ontario
We design and install Geothermal Earth Energy Systems in homes and cottages throughout Eastern Ontario.
We also service ALL makes and models of Geothermal Heat Pumps.
3 ways we can get started together . . .

Are you looking for service for your existing Geothermal system?
We can help?

Are you already familiar with Geothermal and are looking for a price?
We can quote!
Design, Installation, & Service of Geothermal Energy Systems
Not an existing client?
No Problem!
Register your system with us today and receive a free 'Call for Service' sticker. If your system ever goes down, we'll be better prepared by knowing your system specifications in advance.
There is no cost and no obligation to registration.
While we value ALL customers, our registered clients will receive priority service during busy seasons.